What Does the phrase “Living the Dream” mean?

What does it really mean to the phrase living the dream? Living the dream involves knowing where you are at the present moment and starting to plan to move towards the direction to your dream and in the end achieving and attaining your dream.. so that is what we call living the dream.medium_12024271573

1. Dream the Dream – Sets the focus and end point
At the first step is dream it… you need to have a dream to define a direction or goal that you will be heading .. While its simple enough, the first step to Living the Dream is having a dream in the first place! Dream the dream you want.

2. Believe the Dream – Sets the purpose to go after the dream
After you have a dream, believe it like as though you have already achieved the dream. Believe is important as Napolean Hill said “thoughts are things”, having to really think about the dream and visualise the dream in order to get it. This is one important step of the Living the Dream process.

3. See the Dream – Start Living the Dream!
The next step involves seeing your dream every day. Many people use a vision board to place what they want to dream and see it every day. By seeing your dreams every day, it makes the process of living the dream real, as first you believe that you will get it and now you see it!

4. Tell the Dream – Share and live the dream with passion!
Tell the dream, be a story teller. Be careful not to go into too much details especially if you are sharing the business plan that you intend to do… telling your dreams help solidify and internalise what is already starting to become real by believing and seeing that you can do it… telling your dream .. makes Living the Dream process 1 step a little closer to reality.

5. Plan the Dream – Focus, Plan and Execute to Propel yourself closer to the dream
Plan for it… Plan with definite timeline, break down into small tasks and phases and plan till you reach there.. Planning is important as it defines the map, the path and could possibly highlight the potential obstacles or pitfalls ahead.

6. Work the Dream – Work Hard, Enjoy later!
Work towards making your plan a reality.. if you are holding a full time job now, put in your after office hours into building your dream… you do not need to quit your job while building your dream right?

7. Enjoy the Dream – you have achieve the success of Living your dream!
Once you have worked hard enough, you would have by now achieve great success and be living the dream!

Living the Dream – No Pain No Gain, No Risk No Reward!
No Pain No Gain, No Risk No Reward… It is as real as it is.. Those who have achieved real success have often risked the most to get there. You need to take risk but make it a calculated one.. Many people have the talents and skills to succeed but they do not because they just didn’t have guts to take risk in the living the dream process.

The greatest tragedy in life is wasted talent ~ A Bronx Tale   DO NOT WASTE YOUR DREAM !!

Your next dream in life could be to marry the girl of your dreams and have a family with her but because you did not take risk, she forever remained a stranger. Your dream might be like mine and that is to help touch many lives and make the world a better place to live in. Whatever your dream is, give it enough of a chance to be realized.

Risk if you truly want to see the reward. Here is 3 cheers to Living the Dream!

photo credit: Free HDR & Photomanipulations – www.freestock.ca via photopin cc
