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Deja Vu

photo credit: [phil h] via photopin cc

I meet my friend, she's going back to her country for good because the company is unable to renew her work pass here in Singapore. I ask her why don't you find another job here? She said she tried, but none of the company respond and a lot of company turn her down immediately due to the quota of foreign worker has exceeded its limit.

I feel sad for her because she was hard working, attractive and it was a lost for her company too, because this was not her company's intention to end her employment contract. She breaks down in tears,  she asks why such a thing happens to her? She contributed so much to the company and this is what she got as a return? She was depressed and stress because as a single mum, she's unable to earn the same amount of money back home to provide the same quality of life for her kids and parent.

As much as I wanted to say something to cheer her up, but I decided to let her be so that she can release all her frustration, fear and anger. It's like a Deja Vu, I've been thru a same situation as her back in 2007 and I know exactly how it feels. And so I decided to write this blog post for you to share my view on this and hope this will help you overcome this situation when you face one.

1. Live prepared.

Always have a rainy day mindset in you to prepare for the worst to come. Because life is unpredictable. There will be a point in your life that anything bad can happen will happen. Instead of praying hard to prevent it from happening you should anticipate that this might happen someday and have a back up plan in hand to face the disaster. Just like there's safety rings and escape boat in every ship no matter how strong it claim to be. Just look at what happen to Titanic-“the ship that never sank”.

2. Backup plan

Always have a back up plan in place so that you won't be panic when anything bad hit upon you. You'll be able to react fast and remedy the situation and best keep damage to the minimum. In my friend's case it will be having sufficient savings.  With sufficient savings that can last at least 2 month gave you the grace period to look for a job and at the same time keep your daily needs covered. Then you're able to focus on looking for jobs and you raise your chances to get hired because when you're focus you can do your best!

3. Blame No One.

You can choose to suffer as a victim of life and blaming others for the hardship you face in your life, man that's ugly! It's not the company's fault to end her employment contract as they have no control over foreign worker's quota. It's also not the government's fault to restrict foreign worker's quota because they need to do certain act for the benefit of the country. So who should you blame? No one! Wipe the tears off and lets prepare for the next trip in life, stop living as a victim of life and start living as a winner of life by taking responsibility for yourself and move forward!

4. Have faith

Bad things don't last. One single bad event doesn't mean the end of the world. Things happen for a reason, personally I believe that there's no accident in life. Every bad things happen is an opportunity for you to grow stronger and tougher to withstand pressure in life. Like myself, I use my pain as a motivator to manifest a greater success in my life. You can read my story here or subscribe to my personal development newsletter to receive a free gift from me where I share my personal story in my book.

5. Believe In Yourself

Let failure shape you not destroy you. There are many failures in life is inevitable. Don't be afraid to face them, some poor soul around the world choose to commit suicide when they thought the scale of failure they face is too harsh for them. You are powerful beyond your imagination! When you hit the lowest point in your life and you felt that it can't get any lower, then the only way is up! It's too early to give up, think of the people you care about and the people you're doing it for! Believe in your self and stand up from where you fall and fight for your glory!


I wish the best for her and hope she can get a job in her own country stay strong for all challenges that get in her way. For me, I really glad that disaster hit upon me during 2007 because of that event, I learn a lot and stand up stronger and ready to face more challenges in life. So I shall leave you with this video that feature a young boy that doesn't accept defeat! Hope it inspire you =)


This has touch me in so many ways, going though so much in the last few months, did not feel like I could handle much more, but this video and your website and book as moved me to reinvent myself. I try not to be a victim which at times it’s so hard, for I love so deep and it’s hard to face the fact there are things in life that really don’t care or love as we think they would or should, but its about living your life out loud, and making memories that fill you up, that it drowns out the bad one’s , for in the end you live with no regret, and can pass on the lesson’s to everyone that touch’s or walk’s into your life.

Thank You So Much.
God Bless,
For it’s the Truth, the Way, and the Life.