
Be Happy and Stop Worrying

Worry Too Much Is Dangerous To Your Health! Many people feel stressed in today's world, saddled with worry about finances, jobs, family concerns and any number of other problems. As a result, many individuals find it difficult to have the confidence and self esteem that they need to have in order to live a happy life.
by Gin

Give A Smile-Get A Smile

In today’s world of technology we do not have ample opportunity to get personal. Life is fast-paced and everyone seems to be in a rush. We dial the phone and we talk to machines. We spend long hours on the computer playing games, emailing one another or working with our web pages.
by Gin

Are We Prisoners Of Our Past?

Imagine a person in a prison. He/she has been imprisoned for life and will wait till death in the prison. What can possibly motivate such a person? What do these people look forward to in their lives? Sometimes, we are also prisoners of our thoughts and our past deeds. We also have nothing else to look forward to. We only have regrets. At least, we can do something about the conditions, but the prisoners can do nothing. Life can be depressing at times. How to inspire ourselves in such conditions?
by Gin

7 Critical Ways To Take Action Effectively

We all heard of many successful people say take action is the key to all success, . We know that the only way things are going to get better for us financially, spiritually and physically is if we sit up and take action. We knew that we have to put forth the effort in order to reap the rewards.
by Gin
Gin The Vagabond

5 Quick and Easy Step To Wipe Out Obstacles

Life is nothing but an obstacle course, it's all about getting through that obstacle course *successfully* to your desired goal that most people seem to have a problem with. And it's only normal to encounter these obstacles in the pursuit of your goal. It's kind of a test to see if you're worthy.
by Gin

The Power Of Choice

We are making choices everyday, but there are some important choices we make that can literally change our life. Today I'm going to share a little secret that helps me make the correct choices in life. So let us play a game now to find out! We will need a 50 cent coin to play this game. Are you ready ?
by Gin